During the shift into the Next Generation of Education, there will be a much discourse surrounding old ways of teaching, more analytical observations of course syllabus materials. Subcategories & niche hobbies and breakout groups will emerge as well; Fine Arts, 3D Model Crafting, Digital Art, Etc.
With free access to these tools, paired with unlimited access to diverse learning materials. What will happen?
This could be realized in the form of 3 students designing and selling custom garden gnomes. 2 students using class credits to order supplies like 3D printers and beginning to create toys and creative items for sale. Led by passion for the class, and guided by the human teacher + AI swarms.
A network of curated creatives orbiting the consensus model of Decentralized Education, taste, wrapped in the uniform of high-quality artwork and creative hustle. A form of modest elitism in the digital world, Academy provides a collective organization for high-quality creatives looking to distinguish themselves.
adj. e·the·re·al /iˈTHirēəl/ - extremely delicate and light in a way that seems too perfect for this world.
noun ho·ri·zon /həˈrīz(ə)n/ - the line at which the earth's surface and the sky appear to meet.